“In the truest sense you are not living but waiting.”
"I am You and You are Me."
Hello my name is Mark Lindquist and it is wonderful to meet you. I am an author, speaker, teacher, fitness trainer, game designer and visionary. I am the founder of Working-In, Working-Out™ Training.
Life for me changed in a sudden moment one night in early 2004. I was given a way on how to be with the world, the flow of love came thorough me as I could feel people on a very intimate level.
To hear and read about how I got to this point, check out "My Story" page.
I have been teaching and training many amazing people over the past 8+ years at my laboratory (aka the gym).This is my life's work, it is relentless inside me to bring this out to others. I am here to deliver a message which is, each of us is a universe that contains everything, which means everything we need is. I work in high speed with people and organizations by going through their knowing-know where their brilliance comes through. Part of my work is to lead a "reset" in the field of fitness and wellness where a complete awakening to deeper truths is needed which is to free people from this crazy way we use exercise today. My work is now spreading the Working-In principal. Collaborating with scientists, technology geeks, spiritual guides and other exceptional people from all walks of life to further define how to unlock the truth inside in all of us to live closer to a healthier, more connected and love-filled life.
In my earlier work life I have run my own small businesses in retail, manufacturing licensed products from the NFL and a couple of employee benefits consulting firms and wellness.
Current Projects:
I am currently writing the book and course "Working-In, Working-Out" due out later this year. I am also working with others in creating a line of exercise clothing that has different messages on them based on the Working-in, Working-out teaching and training.
“It was a puzzling thing. The truth knocks on the door and you say, “Go away, I am looking for the truth,” and so it goes away.....puzzling. ”
"Me and my parrot Echo as a doll, made by a client."
How this site is laid out.
This site consists of what matters most for you, and generally this is you., But as you get more into this work you will see that as you progress closer to life, you start to notice that it is becoming less about you and more about everyone and everything else.
And so this site is geared toward giving you the basics of this teaching. Through the power of words, audio, video and illustrations, I will be adding Working-Out sessions and Working-In lessons. The Zero Lab Blog is where you can keep up insights and understandings as we pushe the boundaries of human consciousness. i would highly recommend you to sign up for the email delivery of this content.
I draw sketches and illustrations of my insights and understanding, so under the heading of Teaching Illustrated, I give you a storyboard of sorts to point you to a new understanding of reality.
The Store contains the products that I and my team are creating that we know will have high impact to the community. it will continue to grow as we have many ideas to bring to you now and in the future.