“Working-Out is the movement you are doing, Working-In is being space that contains the movement......Exercise Enlightenment™.”
Working-In, Working-Out® Training System
Exercise Enlightenment™
At the core of Working-In, Working-Out™ Training Program is about "you", not the singular you but the totality of you. This teaching and training uses movement in the form of exercises to get you closer to your body and to a deeper truth. Balance that strengthens the body, improves power output and create truth where you see that everything is happening through a "single point" of you, that is what I call Exercise Enlightenment™.
I like to say that this is exercise+everything else. All of the benefits both physical and mental + awakening! It's about going into one's reality and "blow it up" to see a deeper truth. Through guided movement, one can attain a deeper, stronger and renewed life that gets life closer. The training system has many parts to in but the most important part of the system is YOU! And once that is free, you start going back into everything and that oneness you hear about becomes possible and life begins again.
Working-In, Working-Out® Training System
We go through what you know by using a set of progressions that work to bring you closer to letting go into zero or bliss or the zone whatever you like calling it, this is about making it your own! The training system contains movement through exercise and teaching through the written word, video and audio
- The "Speed Formula" states that you are either faster than >, slower than <, or equal to "it". The It is whatever tension or force is pushing on you. Speeding up at the speed it collapse the force and tension and inner silence arises.
- "Super Position", why living from this position will allow you to be closer and it knows reality on a human level.
- 'You learn to know". We focus the learning so that it does not get wasted. By going towards your inner knowing with why you are learning you speed up the process of transcending your being. Bringing the outer world inside and the inside to the outer world in the instance. You will see that going inward on its own tricks you.
- "Walking Somewhere, Going Nowhere" Is a way through movement that is pointing you toward space or zero.
- "Living in Space" a way that contains the most powerful force, knowing. By chasing experiences you have to always be creating them to give you that "spiritual high" but what we are pointing to is that space contains all experiences , know space and you know all experiences.
Key Points:
It a popular word that represents the notion of being in the moment. A more focused mind and less noisy keeping your brain from wandering back and forth from the past to the future. We are drawn to be present yet we are not very good at staying present very long. But what does it mean to you to be in the moment? Does it mean to have a mind that creates less noise than it does now? Does it mean to be absent of thought?
So I have a couple of questions for you. I want you to think about this and even meditate on this, give it some space to be as clear as you can. The question's are;
What does "being present", "living in the moment" mean to you?
How present are you when you exercise?
So what does "being in the moment" have to do with exercising? "Isn't the idea of working-out to get something that I want like a great body or staying healthy or to be better athlete? "After all why go through all of this time and suffering if I don't get something from it in the way of results."
Every person on this planet moves, everything is always moving. Moving from one form to another form one place to another place. The forces of everything are moving against and with you. You get up and you feel a little soreness in the lower back, the forces are present. You get in the shower and all of a sudden it gets hot and you feel it and move away, the forces are moving. Your boss is angry at you and you feel that force, it is moment by moment and it never stops! It is how you move with the forces that effect how you experience it and ultimately how happy and rich your life is. Your experiences have an outer force and and inner force, one dictates the other for most people, meaning the outer forces of not having "things"dictates the inner experiences based on how you have created your reality.
Healing your body happens every moment and when the connection to your body is one then you healing ability will be powerful. The death by a million pin pricks happens throughout your life if you cannot see the small things that you are doing to yourself. We get "small" be seeing what you have been missing and then shift your consciousness that changes your healing ability.
A Fit, Lean & Strong Human
On the working-out level, you get to your goals quicker because you begin to free up the main obstacle that you body ha and that is "you". As the saying goes, "you are your own worst enemy" and we all know that to be true.
Working-In, Working-Out combines the inner you with the outer you. The inner you can be confusing because many think this means you look for answers from inside yourself but that is a trick. You cannot find different answers with the same person asking them that created them so what to do? You head "outside" into the universe where all answers to all time are just waiting there for you to pick. yet again this is another trick if you do not see that you are the "outside" as well. Wow, so confusing and very challenging to your singular mind, one seem to contradict the other. But anser this, how can your current thinking that goes on inside your head be bigger than you currently are? Knowledge is not the answer, many smart people out there but they are not seeing it either.
This teaching is what I call Exercise Enlightenment™ which is about bringing one closer to everything. To exercise your personal enlightenment during exercise that allow your body to be amazing.
“It’s not to free you from desire but to match the speed of desire. ”
Below is example of sketches I draw with the intent to get the point quicker. They come quickly and then are drawn with no or little revisions. This is a part of the program that makes up the Working-In, Working-Out™ Training System.