Bench Press​

Bench Press


The Working-Out component of the system is where the outer action happens, where you move on the physical level.. All movement that you see with your eyes falls under working-out. This is lifting the dumbbell, Zumba Class, Spin Class, running on the treadmill or running in the mountains. It is the yoga class and all of its poses, it is the swinging of your golf club or tennis racquet. The biomechanics and science of your movements is focused here.  it is part of the whole system and requires you to focus so that you are moving in the proper form, balance and connecting the communication between the brain and body. Working with exercises that helps the body to maximizes performance and goals in the time you want to give to your exercise program. We focuses on proper alignment and movement patterns creating a better sense of balance, strength, power, speed, peace and love throughout the body and mind.